Posted on 4/1/2017
Everyone knows that a Jeep isn’t really finished once it rolls off the production line. That’s just the first phase of getting it ready for service. The factory provides a great base to work from, but ultimately the factory can’t complete a Jeep. Only its owner can. And we’re here to help you. We’ve outfitted plenty of Jeeps over the years here at Auto & Truck Accessories, are ready to help you get your Jeep finished. First will be getting a good top onto your Jeep. Depending on how you plan to use it, we can walk you through the pros and cons of soft canvas tops, versus hard shell tops. A hard top will withstand the tough weather we get in Michigan the best, but make no mistake, we’ve got soft tops that are up to the tough tasks too. And the open road feeling that soft tops can give you is phenomenal. You might consider getting both a hard and soft top, to change out as demanded by your situation. Whatever adventures you&rsquo ... read more