Posted on 4/1/2018
From towing a horse across the country to bringing your work supplies to your next job site, trailers prove to be very useful. But even with all the advantages, we have to be mindful of how we drive our truck with a trailer. The team at Auto & Truck Accessories has a few, proven ideas on how to travel safely with a trailer. Before you embark on your journey, we recommend performing a pre-trip check. Make sure your trailer is safely and properly connected to the hitch, along with all brake lights and signals are working as they should. If everything looks good, you are ready to go. While you are out on the road, be cautious of how you make turns. Turns can be quite challenging to do with a trailer attached to your truck, so make sure you overshoot your turns. Don’t cut any corners, as you can put yourself, your passengers, and other drivers on the road at risk. Be aware of your trailer’s clearance as well. For instance, can you make it through that 12-foot tunnel app ... read more