Posted on 7/1/2017

Have you heard this from a friend? "The thief broke my back window, climbed in and broke the shifter. Next, they rolled my car down the driveway where another vehicle was waiting to push it away. The police found my car 2 blocks away stripped clean and left for dead." For any vehicle owner, one of their worst nightmares is having it stolen. Insurance will give some ability to replace it. However, the time and hassle of shopping for a new vehicle, and then outfitting it with all the same features as your previous vehicle, are not a process that excites most people. You’ve likely spent a significant amount of time acquiring and equipping your vehicle, protect this investment in time and money that you’ve made. When a car alarm goes off, few burglars are brazen enough to continue trying to break into a vehicle. But even if they’re able to bypass the alarm, or they simply ignore it because there’s nobody else around, there are other meas ... read more