Posted on 5/1/2017

It’s warming up, and many of you are no doubt getting ready to pack up your trailers and enjoy the great outdoors. Whether you’re pulling a camper or a boat, making sure you’ve loaded up properly and know how to safely handle your vehicle. We’ve put together a quick guide here for those of you that could use a refresher on how to get your rig going. Get the right equipment to get loaded up. For instance, depending on what you’re towing, you might need a weight distribution hitch to shift some of the tow weight to the tow vehicle’s front axle. Stop by Auto & Truck Accessories and we can help you achieve a well-balanced setup. Get your vehicle’s tongue weight set properly. If your trailer is too back weighted, for instance, it will sway as you’re driving. If you’re not in the habit of doing slight movements while towing, this can create big swaying action that can drag you across multiple lanes of traffic, or wo ... read more