Posted on 11/1/2017

Have you ever hunted in cold weather? If you have, then you know just how harsh the elements of winter can be. From the severe chill of the wind to the biting feel of the snow, hunting in winter can take a toll on both your mind and body. However, our team at Auto & Truck Accessories has a few ideas on how to handle Mother Nature, so you can still enjoy your time outdoors. It certainly gets cold in Warren, MI, but with heated seats, you can quickly forget about your hunting frost. Unfortunately, your truck’s built-in options for climate control just can’t compete with our heating seats. Our heated seats do not change the look of your seats, while still keeping you warm from head to toe. You can also monitor the temperature of the heat with a built-in switch. After a day spent outside, a warm, toasty truck sounds like paradise, and with the help of a remote start package, you won’t even have to wait for your vehicle or your heated seats to warm up. The ... read more