Posted on 1/1/2019
Are you planning a winter adventure? If your answer is yes, then you need to keep reading. Driving on a snowy road has its hazards, but we have a few tips and tricks up our sleeves that we would like to share with you. Slow down! Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that everything needs to be done slower in the snow, including accelerating, decelerating, and turning. When the pavement is covered in ice or snow, driving is less predictable, and caution is always crucial. Don’t underestimate how long it is going to take you to brake. To ensure you stay in control over your vehicle, make sure you have enough time to stop safely. Know your brakes! Most modern cars have anti-lock brake systems, so all you have to do is press the brake pedal as hard as you can, and your car will do the rest for you. Make sure to keep longer following distance between you and the next car. All-Wheel Drive doesn’t always make a difference, especially in those spots of b ... read more
Posted on 7/1/2018
If you bought a vehicle that is equipped with four-wheel drive (FWD), it seems probable that you are planning to drive through some tough, natural terrain, such as snow, ice, mud, or sand. If this sounds about right, then you must just be itching to embark on your FWD drive adventure. Whether this trip is to one of the many off-roading sites in Michigan, or maybe you just want to be prepared the next time you and your vehicle are knee-deep in mud, keep reading to learn more about the four-wheel drive. Four-High (4H): This is a high range of FWD, and you can use 4H to drive at normal speeds. If you are driving on highways or roads that seem a little rough, use this setting. If the roads are covered in loose gravel or packed with sand or mud, this setting would also be helpful. In other words, 4H is perfect for the times you need extra traction, but still want to drive at normal speeds. Four-low (4L): This is a low-range setting of FWD and should be used when you are ready for some r ... read more
Posted on 3/1/2018
Hard work and hard play can make for a wet and muddy vehicle, but don’t let fear of getting your truck or car dirty keep you from having a good time. At Auto & Truck Accessories, we have several functional accessories designed to keep the interior of your truck clean as can be. You have spent your day out in the elements, and you can’t help but worry about getting the interior of your truck dirty. From stepping off a worksite to returning home from a hunting expedition, these interior accessories will make sure you leave no trace of it in your car or truck. Seat Covers: We offer Fia and Covercraft seat covers, and these durable and functional seat covers will protect your seats from any mud or gunk you may track in. Floor Liners: We’ve got you covered with Husky and Weathertech floor liners. These floor liners will protect your vehicle whatever you may be tracking in. On the plus side, they are easy to clean ... read more
Posted on 1/1/2018
Happy 2018 everybody! We had a great 2017 at Auto & Truck Accessories, and are looking forward to what’s ahead. We’ve got some exciting new stuff going on at the shop, have rolled out our new website, and are ready to get you outfitted for all the adventures that 2018 holds. Whether you’re getting ready to check out Tip Up Town, or need to make sure the winter weather doesn’t stop you from getting any work done, Auto & Truck Accessories has what you need. We’ve seen it all, and have some suggestions about what equipment will make you outlast the weather so that you don’t miss out on anything that life has to offer. You’ll really enjoy life to the fullest when you’ve got all the best equipment for it. Heated seats are one of our best sellers, unsurprisingly. When you’re coming in from the frigid air, the direct body contact offered by heated seats will take the edge off winter temperatures. Going a step further, a re ... read more
Posted on 12/1/2017
Christmas is just around the corner, which means it times to start to shop for your loved ones. At Auto & Truck Accessories, we think your loved one would enjoy waking up to a gift from Auto & Truck Accessories under the tree. From our remote starts to our LED lighting, we think we have something for everybody, especially those you feel as if their car is a member of their extended family. If you are looking to spoil your loved one this Christmas, consider these items from Auto & Truck Accessories: Remote Starts: Remote starts minimize the risk of unauthorized access to your vehicle, but they also maximize the risk of stepping into a warm and toasty car, as you can remotely start your vehicle from the comfort of your home or workplace. Weathertech Floor Liners: With these liners, you can protect your interior carpet from snow, dirt, mud, and more. Since your auto is your second biggest investment, right after your home, it makes sense to provide your v ... read more
Posted on 11/1/2017

Have you ever hunted in cold weather? If you have, then you know just how harsh the elements of winter can be. From the severe chill of the wind to the biting feel of the snow, hunting in winter can take a toll on both your mind and body. However, our team at Auto & Truck Accessories has a few ideas on how to handle Mother Nature, so you can still enjoy your time outdoors. It certainly gets cold in Warren, MI, but with heated seats, you can quickly forget about your hunting frost. Unfortunately, your truck’s built-in options for climate control just can’t compete with our heating seats. Our heated seats do not change the look of your seats, while still keeping you warm from head to toe. You can also monitor the temperature of the heat with a built-in switch. After a day spent outside, a warm, toasty truck sounds like paradise, and with the help of a remote start package, you won’t even have to wait for your vehicle or your heated seats to warm up. The ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2017
Hunting season is fast approaching. Before you hit the trails, we recommend making sure your truck is just as ready as you are. From rifle cases that go under your backseat to LED lighting for off-roading, Auto & Truck Accessories has just about anything you would need for your hunting adventure. The team at Auto & Truck Accessories has compiled a list of the top products to add to your truck for hunting season. We want you to be prepared for anything that comes your way, and with these auto and truck accessories, we think you will be ready for just about anything: Bed covers: When it comes to hunting, you have quite a few things that need protecting. From your rifles to camouflage gear, you need a place to keep your most precious possessions safe. A bed cover will protect and secure your most important cargo, so you can focus on your hunting escapade. As an added bonus, tonneau covers also enhance your truck’s overall appearance ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2017
Everyone knows that a Jeep isn’t really finished once it rolls off the production line. That’s just the first phase of getting it ready for service. The factory provides a great base to work from, but ultimately the factory can’t complete a Jeep. Only its owner can. And we’re here to help you. We’ve outfitted plenty of Jeeps over the years here at Auto & Truck Accessories, are ready to help you get your Jeep finished. First will be getting a good top onto your Jeep. Depending on how you plan to use it, we can walk you through the pros and cons of soft canvas tops, versus hard shell tops. A hard top will withstand the tough weather we get in Michigan the best, but make no mistake, we’ve got soft tops that are up to the tough tasks too. And the open road feeling that soft tops can give you is phenomenal. You might consider getting both a hard and soft top, to change out as demanded by your situation. Whatever adventures you&rsquo ... read more