Posted on 5/1/2017

It’s warming up, and many of you are no doubt getting ready to pack up your trailers and enjoy the great outdoors. Whether you’re pulling a camper or a boat, making sure you’ve loaded up properly and know how to safely handle your vehicle. We’ve put together a quick guide here for those of you that could use a refresher on how to get your rig going. Get the right equipment to get loaded up. For instance, depending on what you’re towing, you might need a weight distribution hitch to shift some of the tow weight to the tow vehicle’s front axle. Stop by Auto & Truck Accessories and we can help you achieve a well-balanced setup. Get your vehicle’s tongue weight set properly. If your trailer is too back weighted, for instance, it will sway as you’re driving. If you’re not in the habit of doing slight movements while towing, this can create big swaying action that can drag you across multiple lanes of traffic, or wo ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2017
Everyone knows that a Jeep isn’t really finished once it rolls off the production line. That’s just the first phase of getting it ready for service. The factory provides a great base to work from, but ultimately the factory can’t complete a Jeep. Only its owner can. And we’re here to help you. We’ve outfitted plenty of Jeeps over the years here at Auto & Truck Accessories, are ready to help you get your Jeep finished. First will be getting a good top onto your Jeep. Depending on how you plan to use it, we can walk you through the pros and cons of soft canvas tops, versus hard shell tops. A hard top will withstand the tough weather we get in Michigan the best, but make no mistake, we’ve got soft tops that are up to the tough tasks too. And the open road feeling that soft tops can give you is phenomenal. You might consider getting both a hard and soft top, to change out as demanded by your situation. Whatever adventures you&rsquo ... read more
Posted on 3/1/2017
Winter is coming to an end (officially), and that means it’s time to get back to work for many of you. If your vehicles are making work tougher than it needs to be, we’re here to help. Whether you’re a plumber, roofer, electrician, or anything else, if you’re routinely are moving your tools and other equipment around, you need a vehicle that’s properly outfitted to haul it. Further, you need the peace of mind of knowing that your vehicle has protections against theft and other unfortunate incidents. Getting a work vehicle equipped can be a little overwhelming, but we’ve been doing it for a long time, and we’re ready to guide you through your options. For hauling your tools, we’ve got a wide selection of tool boxes and shelving that will help you keep your trucks or vans organized. Whether you’re carrying around power tools, harnesses, cables, or hard hats, we’ll work with you to find a way to keep everything nice and ... read more
Posted on 2/23/2017
Vehicle lighting is helpful during the winter months, so we’d like to focus on snowmobiles in particular right now. We frequently get customers needing additional lighting for their snowmobiles only after they’ve been in a hazardous situation that causes them to realize stock equipment’s shortcomings. Michigan only requires a headlight and taillight on snowmobiles, and that works fine if you’re staying around a well-lit area. However, as soon as you venture off the beaten path, it’s very likely that your stock equipment is insufficient. Though we’re focusing on snowmobiles, we will point out that most of the same principles apply to other off-road vehicles such as quads, and even to bicycles. Regardless of what you’re using to get around, it’s still winter, and we’ve got a bit to go before the sun doesn’t set so quickly. Let us talk you through some considerations about your snowmobile lighting so that you don’t end up e ... read more